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ElderGuru.com is Officially Launched

by EG

ElderGuru.com is launched this date (January 1, 2009) by Derrick Grant of Northern House Media, LLC. Derrick was looking for one site that delivered the latest updates on aging issues, senior health news, insurance updates, legal matters, policy changes, etc. He could find no such site. Rather than follow a multitude of sites, he developed the site he was looking for to share with others.

Derrick is a Licensed Social Worker (LSW) with extensive experience in the aging field. He holds a degree in English and a graduate degree in Public Policy and Management. Derrick has:

  • worked as a LSW in a nursing home
  • worked as a Social Services Manager at an Area Agency on Aging
  • directed an Adult Day Health program specializing in Alzheimer’s and related dementias
  • worked for government as a Policy Analyst on aging issues

ElderGuru.com is the site elders, caregivers, policy makers, non-profit administrators, and others use for the latest information on aging.

You can contact Derrick through the Contact Page, but if you have a response to a particular post, please use the comment box associated with that post.

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